When new customers call Parties for Peanuts, they are often surprised that we ask a lot of questions. “Don’t you have a ‘standard’ package?” many will ask? While we do offer some great package deals on our services, we also make sure to get to know the situation as well as possible, so we can meet the needs of the special child, all the guests, and the parents who make wise decisions and keep their kids safe. Wondering why we don’t just offer a standard package for our children’s parties in New Jersey? Read on to find out!
Children’s interests are very particular. As experts in children’s entertainment, we have learned that children have very, very particular interests. For some, it isn’t enough to have a “princess” party, that princess must wear a certain color dress, have certain color hair, and maybe even sing some popular songs. To give your child the most magical experience possible, we ask a variety of questions to make sure that we are meeting her dreams and getting all those little details right.
Dietary needs are important. We’re not nutritionists, but we know that many children today have special dietary needs. Whether this is to accommodate health issues, behavioral needs, religious or spiritual preferences, or just family traditions, the staff at Parties for Peanuts wants to make sure that we are delivering something that every guest can enjoy.
Every parent has different values and rules. Family values and traditions vary widely, and it can be unpleasant when these values are not appreciated or rules are violated. When we host a children’s party in New Jersey, we want to make sure that the most important values are respected and all fun occurs in that context. This means getting to know you a little better.
We want EVERYONE to have fun! Some parents are surprised when we ask questions about what kinds of guests will attend, such as the ages of the guests. Don’t kids just have fun as kids? They sure do, but some activities are better suited for the very young, the older and more mature, or those with very special interests. By asking a few more questions, we can make sure you have the best party experience ever!