Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties

Birthday parties are the cornerstone of Parties for Peanuts’ business since 1998, and they come in all types, styles and sizes. No party is too big or too small. We have baby’s 1st birthday party ideas, and regularly serve children up to 8, 9 or beyond.

The basic format for costume character parties is:

    • The character enters to his/her theme music as he/she greets all the children
    • Leading them in songs and games
    • Posing for a photo session
    • Providing a gift for the birthday child and a lollipop for each child
    • The option of either a balloon animal for each child or a bouquet of helium balloons for the birthday child
    • Posing for more pictures with the cake
    • Face painting and tattooing is also available

Normal party lengths range from 30 minutes to an hour, but longer times are also possible. In addition, we also offer wonderful magic and clown shows. These involve fun magic, which the children assist in, gift and lollipops, and face painting/tattoos. We are also available for bubble shows, balloon deliveries, singing telegrams, and can provide DJ’s, pony rides, petting zoos, moonwalks, carnival rides and popcorn, snow cone and cotton candy machines.
We also do parties for teens, and grownups as well, providing DJ’s, casinos, caricaturists, and on and on! You name it, we’ll get it! We have many creative party theme ideas, and are more than willing to share them with you. Below, you can see Princess Belle with some of her fans, one of our many costume characters that we provide to add magic, fantasy and fun to any party.